Welcome to the release notes for Appointiv Managed Package Version 1.45. We are excited to introduce new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to improve your experience with our application. Please review the information below to understand the changes in this release and how they may impact your Salesforce org.
New Features
- Appointment Lead Time can be set on the individual Appointment Type
- Make a searchable picklist on the schedule tab for service providers and locations
- Deleting Appointment Types doesn't delete the Appointment Type record anymore, it remains so that any existing appointments are not affected. The deleted Appointment Type simply disappears from your list view in the Configure UI.
Bug fixes:
- New field to track "other sync" - was affecting shared calendar settings
Known Issues:
- None
Deprecated Features:
- None
Detailed New Feature Notes:
- New Features
- Appointment Lead Time can be set on the individual Appointment Type
- Description: You can now set the Appointment Lead time in hours separately for each individual Appointment Type
- Benefits: This increases your flexibility from the old global setting so that you can now have different lead times for different appointment types. Say you need to prepare for a Sales Demo call and set a lead time of 3 days, but for an Initial Consultation, you would prefer to allow customers to book immediately. You can now do that by setting up each appointment type with its own lead time.
- How to Use: Go to the Appointment Type setup and enter the Online Booking section. There, you'll now see a box where you can fill a number for "What is the Minimum Lead Time (hours)?
- Appointment Lead Time can be set on the individual Appointment Type
Latest patch link for this version: (change "login" to "test" in the URL to install into a Sandbox)
v1.45 released May 5, 2023 https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t0K0000017C0l
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