Customers don't need to fill in their details
If you want to allow your customer to use the online booking form and not need to fill in their personal details on the last step (name, phone etc.) then you can do that with this nice feature.
This works in scenarios where you already have a record in Salesforce for the customer. It can be a Lead, Contact, or Person Account record. (special consideration for Person Account will be discussed below)
You can do this using a "webhook" which is essentially going to let you add the Salesforce Contact ID or the Salesforce Lead ID directly onto the end of the link or URL that your customer uses to book an appointment.
Here's how it works with an example:
- Let's say your Appointiv online booking form link is
- And let's say your favorite customer, John Doe is saved in Salesforce with a contact record with the record ID=0035Y000029rYEKUA2
We simply add the Salesforce Contact record ID onto the end of the booking form URL using this formula
NOTE 1 - The spelling and capitalization has to match so please notice that the operator is cId which is actually lower case "c" as in charlie - capital "I" as in India- lower case "d" as in delta
NOTE 2 - You need to use the 18 digit version of the record ID. Salesforce uses 18 digit ID's now with Lightning but there are older 15 digit versions that sometimes get picked up in your internal formula fields. So if you're using a formula field on a record to add the ID then use CASESAFEID() in the formula. Here's a Salesforce article on it.
What can you do with it?
Once you have this new webhook added to the end of your URL, you just do what you have been doing with your prefilled URL's - send it to the customer in an email, use it in a button on your Salesforce Experience or Community pages etc.
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