What's happening here?
When you're just getting started with Appointiv, you might find that you see an error at the last step when creating a new booking from the Appointiv webform. You'll see this if your customer enters details into the webform that somewhat matches but doesn't exactly match your existing Salesforce Matching Rules and your Duplicate Rules kick in.
Appointiv is trying to match the information provided in your webform with any existing Contact using the Deduplication Settings in the Appointiv Configuration Tab first. If no match is found, Appointiv will create a new record. When a new record is created, Salesforce follows your Duplication Rules for the object being created. If your rule tries to flag the duplicate with an error message, it prevents Appointiv from finishing the save process on the new record.
Alerts in Salesforce are great, however, in this case, an automated process is creating a new record. And this is an automated process that was initiated by your customer. So stopping the process in the middle just to get a human judgment call is not feasible. Even with the best fuzzy logic deduplication in the world, we still need to wait a tiny bit longer for a human to make the final call.
Here's how the error looks in a real-life customer example:
What can we do about it?
That message is coming straight from your Duplicate Rules and Appointiv is just passing it through and displaying the error that Salesforce is generating. It's a good thing, though, as the message can sometimes help you find which rule was triggered if you have lots of rules.
To stop this from happening, we need to check the Salesforce Duplication Rules that are active on your Contact object (or Lead if you're letting Appointiv create new Lead records) and make a slight change to the rule.
Identify all the rules that have a message matching the one you see in the webform and then take the following steps below. If you have lots of rules, you can either change the settings for all of them or you may need to run a few test appointments to make sure you're triggering all your rules.
Here are the steps to solve the issue:
First- Go to Setup > Duplicate Rules
Next, find any rules you have on Contact, Person Account, or Lead that might be causing issues when creating new appointments in Appointiv:
For this example, Contact is shown with the standard Salesforce Duplicate Rule-
The "Action on Create" should be set to "Allow" which means we allow Salesforce create the duplicate record. But the "Alert" should be turned off because this is the alert that stops the Appointiv process. The Alert text will match what appeared in the Appointiv webform create alert that you were seeing when the webform didn't complete creating the Contact.
This should solve the issue.
After this change
Salesforce is pretty good about identifying duplicates and helping you manage them. And with this change, you still get all of that goodness happening.
If one of your Salesforce Users opens the record, they still see the standard Salesforce warnings that this might be a duplicate record. And you still get Salesforce's very easy-to-use Duplicate Merge capabilities if you determine that it really is a duplicate record.
You should also leave the tickbox setting on the Duplicate Rule set to include "Report" because this can make it simple to identify duplicates in reports and dashboards. You can even have alerts sent that highlight any potential duplicates so that you can easily merge them in Salesforce.
All we want to do is stop Salesforce from preventing the duplicate from being made because, since this is being done by an automated process that includes your customer, stopping the process and getting that human judgment call about whether this is really a dupe is just going to have to wait until a little bit later.
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